
Isn't Blue Supposed to be Calming?

I am not my most efficient when working on the living room couch. This seems like an obvious, dumbass fact, but it's something that's been bogging me down for months now. When we first moved to this town in June, we did a pretty good job of unpacking and setting things to right. We even painted our soon-to-be office an amazing color of bright blue that we find very creatively inspiring and made plans to graffiti the walls and use chalkboard paint to recreate the sort of working environment we were used to. Then, my husband finally landed a job, and I had to start school. Progress halted. We eventually got sick of looking at all the unpacked boxes and shoved them all into our would-be office so the rest of our house could actually feel like home. The room remained in this box-filled state until this past weekend, when I finally decided that enough was enough, if I'm going to make it through finals this semester, I need a place to work that isn't soft and cushy and full of puppies and video game systems. So. There is now room on my desk to work. There's lots of open floor space to walk to my desk. We even bought some drawer sets to store cables and mics and such in! I now have a Work Space that is not the same as my Relaxing Space. This is a Good Thing. This will hopefully mean my productivity for the last three weeks of school will be much higher than the rest of the semester. The end is in sight. The deadlines are looming, now. My schedule is not nearly as hectic as some, as the work load for Composers in Production is unusually light, but I'm still quite worried. For my own benefit:


-- Prepare a one-hour presentation on my project for Composers in Production (12/1)
-- Create a nearly-finished draft of composition for visiting ensemble (12/1)
-- Prepare a one-hour presentation on my paper for Materials of Contemporary Music (12/2)
-- Administer and grade final exam for Music 101 (12/5)
-- Turn in 20 page paper for Materials of Contemporary Music (12/10)
-- Write a paper of indeterminate length for Supervised Research? (12/?)

Wish me luck.