1) I have an assload of prep to do for class tomorrow
2) The Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack for World of Warcraft releases at midnight tonight.
Hopefully I'm making up for length with content. I'd like to share with you some excerpts from papers my students have written. The assignment was as follows:
"Listen to Beethoven's 5th Symphony and write a narrative to go along with the music. Be sure to connect the events in your story back to events in the piece."
Memorable quotes:
"The cheese is too big and clumsy to roll gently over the rug. [...] He can almost taste the cheese of victory."
"This builds and builds into an inclusion of the entire orchestra as McCain re-energizes his conservative base with the selection of Caribou Barbie (Sarah Palin) as his Vice Presidential candidate."
"This piece open up dramatically and really grabs your attention. After listening to this piece all the way through, it kind of reminded me of a football game." *proceeds to tell a football story without connecting it to music at all*
"No aspect of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony protrudes itself more robustly than the unavoidable rhythmic motive."
...And now, for my personal favorite. This student portrayed themself as the chairman of Apple. His story involved travelling back to the era of Beethoven...to sell iPods. The Apple employees he created for his story are named Bill Gates Jr. and James Obama. Some excerpts:
"Sir, even if it may affect our present, I think that overall your idea is brilliant."
"In front of me stands a funny apocalypse."
"Now, it is the French army that comes from the hole."
"Hey, Vienna, laugh with me. It is the end of the world!"
I love my students. :)