
Cake in a Mug

No, really. My subject line is neither sarcastic nor intended for humor (alone). Cake in a Mug is quite possibly the world's most perfect food. I admittedly haven't tried it yet, but just LOOK at it! It can be prepared just about anywhere. You can mix the dry ingredients ahead of time. You can add chocolate chips! My mind is blown by cake. In a mug. Could there be a better snack for those late night paper writing sessions? 

There's even a variation for Honeybun Coffee Cake and Lemon Glaze Cake. I fully intent to modify this recipe in as many ways as possible and abuse it to get me through the rest of this semester. It can be prepared anywhere, even the grad office in the trailer!

I think I'm in love.

To make your own Cake in a Mug, see this wired article