
Playing Catch-Up: Fall 2008

So, as the end of the fall 2008 semester tried its best to grind my face into the ground, I tried my best to keep blogging. I obviously failed, as the low post count for December will show, but that isn't to say I didn't churn out some material. In fact, I have several text documents full of post fragments, topics to cover, and notes on events that I fully intend/ed to post eventually. I may get around to elaborating on some of these at some point in the future, but since most of them will likely never see their own post, I give you: December 2008 in review, Ph.Dead style. 

-- What the hell is up with students friending me on Facebook? 
-- I am going to dissect the next person who tells me what I should do with MY compositions.
-- How to talk about John Cage, one of my heroes, to an indifferent class: "He was a composer and music philosopher who specialized in skull fucking tradition." Can I say that?
-- "Grades should be submitted within forty-eight hours after the final exam." WHAT?! What about my own exams? *cry*
-- What happens when you pick a bad topic for a 20 page paper and it's due in two days...
-- I never thought I'd actually be wistful about saying goodbye to my Music 101 classes. 
-- A gift from a student? For me? And it was shipped here from China?!
-- End-of-semester crunch time...what fun.

Time for my first meeting of the semester. *deep breath*