
Alive and Kicking!

With many, many thanks to Mr. Dead, Ph.Dead is back from its unannounced summer hiatus with a shiny new layout and web address! The new phdead.net is up and running! Those of you who are still using Internet Explorer...well, first of all, why? Second of all, you should either switch to Firefox or keep using the blogspot address for the time being, as the new site is still a bit buggy in IE (what else is new?). Those of you using readers or subscriptions to keep up, make sure you update your addresses to reflect the new location, as I'll only be crossposting to blogger for a short time.

I'm so thrilled about the new look of Ph.Dead! Several months ago I decided I wanted a real layout, so I did a little research, sketched what I wanted on a sheet of paper, and handed it to Mr. Dead. He took my chicken scratches and produced this beautiful, sleek site that looks just how I imagined it! Major kudos to him for a fantastic job.

Ph.Dead is kicking back into full gear, so more updates are coming soon!

x-posted from phdead.net, please post all comments there.