
Christmas in March! Presents?

My professor and advisor from my undergrad university knew me way too well. Though I tried to play it off as a common trait of serious students, he saw through me and announced it to the class: "Registration is Megan's favorite time of the year. It's like Christmas!"

Okay, so it used to be true. I used to spend hours looking through the course offering book, writing down the numbers for every class that interested me, and making elaborate charts that detailed which graduation requirements I still needed to fulfill, which classes would meet the requirements, and which classes conflicted with each other. I loved classes. I admit it. It's one of the reasons I decided to go to graduate school; I wasn't ready to stop! I took some of the most random things in undergrad that had nothing to do with my degree or career path: Latin I, Human Sexuality, Religion Seminar, Biology 101 (for science majors...ouch!), Love & Sexuality in World Religions...the list goes on. I graduated with something like 152 credits in four years. I was DUMB.

Right now, I could use some of that old dumbness back. Registration time has come around again, and I find myself pretty apathetic. Part of it is the simple lack of options. I'm required to take two seminars each semester, and the composition program is so small that there are usually only two seminars offered, one analysis and one creative. Oh dear me, however shall I choose? True, I'm also required to take two seminars outside the department over the course of two years, but I've already taken one and I'm saving my second one for a creative writing class offered only in the spring. Thing is, though, that every single class I've taken here so far has been analysis-based, due to some weird scheduling issues and professors being on sabbatical. An entire year of analysis. No creative classes. Even my composition lessons have been more focused on technique than creativity, and I've not gotten the chance to do any work on the projects I really want to be devoting my time to. This is a problem. This is one of the big reasons I've been going out of my mind this year and hating my program.

Good news is, I may have found a solution. Independent study! I have an e-mail out to one of the professors asking if he'd be willing to save me from eternal torment and give me this opportunity to have two creative classes next semester. Think of how much I could get done! I might actually get to tackle some of the projects I've been dreaming up since I got here!

It seems too good to be true, after the way things have been going here. But I'm going to hope! A lot!

...and maybe conduct some creepy rituals to ensure the professor agrees. Accept my request for independent study, or the voodoo doll gets it!